Monday, November 16, 2009

Local LGBTQ Rights Groups Denounce Chapman Blog As Offensive

Local LGBTQ Rights Groups Denounce Chapman Blog As Offensive
A recent personal blog post by Purdue librarian, Professor Bert Chapman, has raised the conflict between free speech and community standards. The undersigned groups support free speech, but that does not mean there are no consequences for such statements. While it is clear that all individuals have the right to print anything they wish regardless of the lack of value or research, it's also true that statements in print (or in this case on-line) should be rejected and called out when they misstate the facts and cause damage to a segment of the community. In this case, "An Economic Case Against Homosexuality, " is a mishmash of anti-gay rhetoric denouncing immorality and a pseudo-factual analysis of the economics of HIV infection. But the poor quality of research and the obvious bias against gays undercuts any serious consideration of his thesis, let alone the obvious conclusion, which Chapman does not seem to have the courage to state. Since he argues that money spent to fight HIV/AIDS (which is more prevalent now in the heterosexual community than the GLBT) is wasted, he is, in effect condemning all infected regardless of orientation to a death sentence. Such a poorly researched and sourced statement as this is shocking enough from a university staffer, let alone a tenured professor responsible for library research in the field of political science.

The Lafayette-West Lafayette community has taken years to develop a standard of respect and support for our GLBT citizens. Support for this part of the community is clear in the attendance at OUTfest 2009 and the strong backing of the Pride Lafayette Community Center. The Tippecanoe County area is one of a very few in Indiana where sexual orientation is included in non-discrimination ordinances. These advances were hard-won and require effort to maintain the community standards once established. Purdue has also made considerable effort to promote diversity and inclusion. In fact, the university has created a position of Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, which is tasked specifically with creating an inviting campus environment. The current climate on campus was difficult enough to achieve. This level of respect is threatened when staff members so blatantly disrespect and publicly disparage a whole subset of the university body.

Purdue Queer Student Union, ALLY, Delta Lamda Phi, and community organizations Citizens for Civil Rights and Pride Lafayette support anyone's right to speak freely about any topic. But we reject the gross mischaracterizations and untruths contained in Professor Chapman's blog. We urge the campus and community to join us in this condemnation.

Jessica Lee
President of the Purdue Queer Student Union
Senior in College of Liberal Arts

Adam Wright
President of Ally Association
Senior in College of Liberal Arts

Sean Samocki
President of Delta Lambda Phi
Senior in College of Technology

Jo Ann Mullen
President of Citizen for Civil Rights

Bryan Bell
President of Pride Lafayette

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today is GLBT History Month!! Here's a series of upcoming events. Get on our weekly email list to stay as up to date as possible on all events, since we may have more!

Be sure to get ready for the weekend of the 17th! That Friday we have a keynote speaker for National Coming Out Day followed by a Coming Out Dance [come out in costume or a mask!]. Saturday the 17 is the 10th Annual Drag Show by DLP in Loeb. Get your costumes ready during October Break!!

Weekly Meetings
QSU at 7pm on Tuesdays in the QRC
ALLY at 6pm on Tuesdays in the QRC
NOGLSTP at 5:30pm on Wednesdays in ARMS 1103

Thurs 10/8 @6 Homosexuality and the Male Culture Panel BRNG1222
Thurs 10/8 @7 Sports Night TBA
Oct 10-13 October Break
Thurs 10/15 @7 Coffee and Discussion of Matthew Sheppard in Pride Lafayette
* Fri 10/16 @7 National Coming Out Day Keynote in Black Cultural Center
* Fri 10/16 @8:30 Coming Out Dance at Morton Community Center
Sat 10/17 @11-2pm QRC Redecoration
* Sat 10/18 @8 DLP Drag Show at Loeb
Wed 10/21 @6 Homosexuality and the Female Culture Panel TBA
Wed 10/21 @8pm Coffee Night in Vienna
Wed 10/28 @8pm Game Night in QRC

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


To our loving queer and queer friendly community:

Welcome back to school! Hope you all have had an exciting and/or relaxing summer break, and are all ready for school! The executive board of the Queer Student Union have already been very busy preparing for all the freshmen. We've taken part in the BGR Activities Bonanza and given two info sessions.

Also upcoming!!

8/22 OPEN HOUSE @11am-1 in STEW G20 Come on down to the Queer Resource Center and meet new and old students! We'll play games, eat a vegetarian lunch, or just plain hangout.

8/27 PSUB ACTIVITIES BONANZA @11-3pm in Clapping Circles. We will be appearing with are our usual information packs. Drop on by and say hi
8/27 BOILERFEST @4pm in Black Cultural Center Parking Lot. Information session again!

8/29 OUTFEST @4pm-midnight on Main St in Lafayette. Lafayette's Pride Festival, free admission! Contact us if you need help getting down there

9/3 BIG GAY CALLOUT @7-8pm in CL50 224. The callout for all gay and gay friendly organizations. We will also be releasing our calendar events, so be sure to come on by. If you wish to present at this callout, please contact the eboard.


Jessica Lee
Queer Student Union
Purdue University

Edit 8/20 Credit my Vice-President Nicholas for catching the incorrect Callout date. The callout is Thursday, Sept 3 not Friday Sept 4.

Monday, March 23, 2009

GAYpril 2009

Dear Community,

Purdue Queer Student Union has been hard at work the last few weeks planning our annual GAYpril series. We have quite a schedule this year, ranging from film screenings to coffee nights, Second Chance Prom to Day of Silence, Graffiti with Lights to Career Forums. Here is your 2009 GAYpril series:

Wednesday, April 1st
Sexuality & Queer Studies Callout
4pm Lawson 1142
Are you interested in a university-wide, interdisciplinary program about Sexuality and Queer Studies? Come get involved in the development of a new academic discipline at Purdue!
Sponsored by the CLA Diversity Action Committee

Wednesday, April 1st
Venus Boys Film Screening
6:30pm Beering 1230
Dr. Blackwood's IDIS 48200 class will be viewing this film, followed by a discussion. More information about the film can be found at:
Sponsored by Dr. Blackwood's IDIS 48200 Class

Thursday, April 2nd
That's So Not Gay Forum
7-9pm Beering 2280
This forum explores the history of the incorrect and derogatory usage of "that's so gay" and similar phrases in society.
Sponsored by ALLY Association

Friday, April 3rd
Second Chance Prom
8pm-11pm The Lahr Atrium
115 N. 5th Street in Downtown Lafayette
Did you go to your high school prom with someone who really wasn't your first choice? Did you get to go at all? Here is you SECOND CHANCE...
Tickets $10 until April 2nd, $12 at the door
Tickets available in the QRC (Stewart G20) or at the door
This prom is open to anyone - LGBTQ or ally, students, faculty, staff, community, etc.
Light refreshments will be available and prom photos will be taken if desired!
Sponsored by Purdue Queer Student Union, Pride Lafayette, Bea One, and Shell Oil

Saturday, April 4th
For the Bible Tells Me So Film Screening
7pm Chapel of the Good Shepherd
610 Meridian Street (Across from Mackey Arena)
Join us for this film about those "caught in the cross-hairs of scripture and sexual identity." More info about the film at:
Sponsored by the Episcopal Student Association

Monday, April 6th
Cookies, Cake, and Coke
2-4pm Ag Administration Lawn
Like sweets? Like picnics? How about a fun-filled afternoon of both? Come join us for a picnic full of the best three c's in life!

Tuesday, April 7th
Asexuality: The Missing Orientation
7pm Stewart 311
Come learn about Asexuality and discuss issues facing asexual people.

Wednesday, April 8th
Shell Oil Career Forum
6pm Lily 3102
Shell Oil will be coming to recruit queer and ally students, and giving some tips as to why or how to be Out on one's resume.
Sponsored by PQSU, NOGLSTP at Purdue, and Shell Oil

Friday, April 10th
A Day in the Life of...
a student who identifies as transgender.
12:10-12:50pm PMU 260
A brown bag lunch series highlighting the similarities and differences in the campus experience of students from underrepresented perspectives
Sponsored by the ODOS Diversity Enhancement Committee, The Disability Resource Office, DiversiKey, and ALLY Association

Monday, April 13th
Free Anonymous HIV Testing
Call (765)-494-9355 to make an appointment
Sponsored by the Student Wellness Office

Monday, April 13th
Bisexuality: Beyond Confusion
7pm Stewart 310
A forum illuminating the myths and facts of bisexual identity.

Tuesday, April 14th
IBM Career Forum
IBM, a company which has had a HRC Corporate Equality Index of 100 for the past 6 years, is coming to speak to students about being Out at work.
Sponsored by PQSU, NOGLSTP at Purdue, and IBM

Tuesday, April 14th
Shinjuku Boys Film Screening
6:30pm Beering 1245
Dr. Blackwood's IDIS 48200 class will be viewing this film, followed by a discussion. More information about the film can be found at:
Sponsored by Dr. Blackwood's IDIS 48200 Class

Thursday, April 16th
Day of Silence Keynote
7-8pm Stanley Coulter 239
Day of Silence is a student-led day of action when concerned students, from middle school to college, take some form of a vow of silence to bring attention to the name-calling, bullying and harassment -- in effect, the silencing -- experienced by LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) students and their allies.

Friday, April 17th
Day of Silence
Come pick up a package of information for Day of Silence in the QRC (STEW G20).
Flash Mobs on Founders Park
10:30am & 2:30pm Founders Park
Come together for a brief moment to show the world that it's OK to love whoever you want, wherever you want! Keep it PG, of course, but come with someone you like and hold hands, hug, or give a smooch.

Monday, April 20th
Light up Your Love: Graffiti with Lights
7:30pm meet in Stewart 310, moving out to Campus outdoors
Make your mark on campus with light graffiti! We will meet in Stewart 310 for a short demonstration, then move outside and light up the night!
Partially funded by the 2009 Grand Alternative Grant

Wednesday, April 22nd
ALLY Training
7-9pm QRC (Stewart G20)
Learn how to be an ally and advocate for the LGBTQ community. Contact to reserve your spot.

Friday, April 24th
A Day in the Life of...
students identifying as gay, lesbian, and bisexual.
12:10-12:50pm Stewart 318
A brown bag lunch series highlighting the similarities and differences in the campus experience of students from underrepresented perspectives
Sponsored by the ODOS Diversity Enhancement Committee, The Disability Resource Office, DiversiKey, and ALLY Association

Friday, April 24th
Light Up Your Love: Gallery Opening
7:30-8:30pm Stewart 214B
Gallery showing of selected works from Monday's Light Up Your Love: Graffiti with Lights event. Light refreshments will be served.
Partially funded by the 2009 Grand Alternative Grant

Monday, April 27th
Purdue Queer Student Union Election
6pm QRC (Stewart G20)
Get involved with PQSU! We will be electing new officers for Fall 2009.

Tuesday, April 28th
Yoga of the Breath: A De-Stress Event
6:30-7:30pm Stewart 320
Learn practical, easy techniques to handle stress and become more efficient.
Sponsored by Purdue Queer Student Union and Art of Living

Thursday, April 30th
Coffee Night
8-10pm Vienna Espresso Bar and Bakery
See old friends and meet new ones at the last PQSU event of the semester.

Print calendars available at:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcome Back!!

To our absolutely amazing queer and queer friendly community:

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a great break, whether they stayed here or went back home. Either way, the spring semester has started, so that means our spring callout is here! Come to Mathews 210 on Thursday, January 22nd at 7pm. Everyone is welcome!!

We are also inviting campus and community groups to present at our callout, "to show the wealth of resources and opportunities available" [gacked from our president's email]. If you wish to present, you must apply by submitting a paragraph describing the organization and how it relates to LGBTQ and ally students, along with the name and email address of the person who will be making the presentation to by Monday, January 19th at 7pm. Groups will have three
minutes to speak, and no late applications will be accepted. PQSU will select
the groups to speak at the "Big Gay Callout" from the on-time applications.

In addition, in order to build and cement bridges between us and other organizations, we will require that presenting organizations eventually co-sponsor an event with us. While you do not have to have an event planned by the callout, just be aware that this is to be done sometime this semester.

Thurs Jan 22
Mathews 210 @ 7pm

Hope to see you there! Have a good start of the semester, and STAY WARM. Watch here for more news, or subscribe to our email listserv [if you haven't already].

I still haven't thought of a way to end these posts,
Jessica Lee
Vice President