Sunday, March 27, 2011

LGBTQ Studies Survey

We are conducting a survey to find if there is interest in LGBTQ-focused classes or a minor or major.

Pleas go to to take the survey! It will take less than a minute! :)

QSU Weekly Email

Hi everybody!

There's yet another fun-filled QSU meeting this Tuesday at 6pm in the QRC (STEW G20)! Another one of our MBLGTACC attendees will be sharing what he learned

Coffee Night this Thursday from 8 to 10 pm (but feel free to stay later) at Vienna Coffeehouse at 208 South St in West Lafayette (near Chase bank)! Enjoy the many different beverages (not just coffee), baked goods, and other edibles that Vienna has to offer! Meet new people or catch up with old friends in an informal setting.

Come down to the QRC during the week to buy a ticket to Second Chance Prom for $8! Second Chance Prom will be one April 9 at 7pm in the Lahr Atrium in Lafayette! Tickets are $8 ahead and $10 at the door. It will be lots and lots of fun!

Check out our calendar at ! Make sure you click to April instead of March! There's a lot more stuff going on in Gaypril!

QSU will be having nominations for the Fall semester positions on April 12 and the elections on April 19! The positions that QSU has are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Activist Chair, Diversity Chair, Social Chair, Technology Chair, PR Chair, and Fundraising Chair! If you're interested in knowing more, email me or check out our Constitution for descriptions at .

Brian K. Lewis
Vice President
Queer Student Union
Purdue University

Monday, March 21, 2011

QSU Weekly Email

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic Spring Break! :)

QSU is having our weekly general meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm in the QRC, Stewart G20! We will be having a presentation about kink from one of our MBLGTACC attendees! Come hear about what he learned!

Gaypril Events!
If you or your organization or department have any events that you would like to be listed on our Gaypril calendar, please send them in to me at !

Thank you!
Brian K. Lewis
Vice President
Queer Student Union
Purdue University

Monday, March 7, 2011

QSU Weekly Email

Hey, next week is SPRING BREAK!!! :D

Bowling tomorrow!
For our meeting tomorrow, we will be heading down to the Union Rack & Roll for bowling at 6pm! Come join us! Bring $2.50 for shoe rental.

Gaypril Events!
If you or your organization or department have any events that you would like to be listed on our Gaypril calendar, please send them in to me at ! The deadline is Friday, March 18 (the Friday during Spring Break)!

"The Link" request!
We will be making a magazine! We are asking people to send in their writings to be put in it! Please send anything you would like to by this Friday, March 11! You may send it in under a pseudonym or anonymously if you would prefer.

Have a fun and exciting Spring Break, everybody!

Brian K. Lewis
Vice President
Queer Student Union
Purdue University