Sunday, April 6, 2008

GAYpril! is in full swing!

Dear Community,

GAYpril! is in full swing this week, and so I will again just send out this one email instead of overloading your inbox with all the different events this week. Please make sure you read all the way through so you don’t miss out on anything!

Full GAYpril! calendar at:

*Munchies on the Mall* Monday, April 7th 11:30am-1pm Memorial Mall
We will be hosting a social for everyone outside in the beautiful weather. We will provide blankets and conversation, so bring some snacks or stop by on your way to class.

*QSU Meeting* Monday, April 7th 6pm QRC (Stewart G20)
Get involved with QSU! Our meetings are always open to new members. We will be taking nominations this week for the election of new officers which will occur next week.

*Gay Jeopardy* Wednesday, April 9th 7pm Matthews 210
Co-sponsored by Pride Lafayette
October 11th every year is this national event. Know the answer? Test your knowledge of the LGBTQ community at this game-show event! Don’t worry if you think you won’t know all the answers, we will be competing in teams and there will be prizes!!!

*Damien Center Benefit Dinner* Friday, April 11th
6-8pm Wesley Foundation (435 W. State Street, West Lafayette)
Sponsored by Delta Lambda Phi Pledge Class
Tickets are $10 for this spaghetti dinner to benefit DLP and the Damien Center, which offers supportive services to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

*Ultimate Frisbee* Saturday, April 12th 1pm Meet in front of RSC
Enjoy the spring weather with us! Meet in front of the Co-Rec to play Frisbee, or if it rains we will go inside for Wallyball.

More GAYpril! events the rest of the month!!!

Clare Ford
Activist Chair
Queer Student Union

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