Monday, April 18, 2011

QSU Weekly Email

Tomorrow QSU is having elections! It will be happening at 6pm in the QRC, Stewart Center G20! You must have attended at least three meetings this semester in order to vote or be nominated for a position. Check out the positions at  All positions are up for election including: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Activist Chair, Diversity Chair, Fundraising Chair, Public Relations Chair, Social Chair, and Technology Chair.

When sexual orientation is discussed, it tends to be a gay/lesbian-straight binary. At times, bisexuality is included. But what about those people without sexual attractions or romantic attractions? Come to learn more and discuss Asexuality—The Missing Orientation on Wednesday, April 20 at 7pm in Recitation 113!

There will be a coffee night this Thursday at Vienna Coffeehouse on Chauncey from 8pm to 10pm! Come meet new friends or catch up with old ones!

Brian K. Lewis
Vice President
Queer Student Union
Purdue University

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