Monday, October 25, 2010

Queer Student Union Weekly Email

QSU: Mondays, 7-8pm, QRC (STEW G20)
NOGLSTP: THursdays, 5:30pm, ARMS 1103
GRAD: Fridays, 6pm, ARMS 1021

Tonight, 7pm, QRC
Come play Freeze with the Queer Student Union! Freeze is an improv game in which two players begin a scene. At some point another person will yell "Freeze!" and the two will freeze. The other person will then take the place of one of the people in the scene and continue with a different scene.

Thursday, 8-10pm, Vienna Coffeehouse
Enjoy the many different beverages (not just coffee), baked goods, and other edibles that Vienna has to offer! Meet new people or catch up with old friends in an informal setting

QSU is looking for a Fundraising Chair to organize fundraising events. If you are interested, email

Brian K. Lewis
Vice President
Queer Student Union

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Queer Student Union Weekly Email

QSU: Mondays, 7-8pm, QRC (STEW G20)
NOGLSTP: THursdays, 5:30pm, ARMS 1103
GRAD: Fridays, 6pm, ARMS 1021

Monday, 7pm, QRC
Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Exum will be present at the Queer Student Union meeting. Come prepared to learn more about her vision for Purdue and discuss the problems you see here.

Tues-Wed, Oct 19-20, 10am-4pm, in Stewart Center
It may seem hard to believe, but this midterm election is a crucial one for LGBT rights in Indiana.  If one party controls all three parts of the state government, it's likely that there will be no effective opposition to issues that will directly affect our friends, our neighbors and our families.
Be sure to bring your student ID!

Thursday, October 21, 4-5pm, BRNG B212
The Queer Student Union will be hosting the Office of Institutional Equity for a training on discrimination and harassment reporting procedures. This will be geared towards student leaders though is open to anybody. The procedures apply to all Nondiscrimination categories, though sex and sexual orientation will probably be highlighted due to their inclusion in Purdue's policies and this being a Queer Student Union hosted event.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Gender Identity and Expression

West Lafayette City Council voted 5-2 today to add Gender Identity and Expression to its Human Relations Ordinance! Hopefully this will push Purdue University forward on joining its peer institutions and its city.

Please, consider attending the Purdue Student Government meeting on this Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00pm in KRAN G18. A resolution urging Purdue University to add Gender Identity and Expression, as well as Genetic Information, will be voted on then. Also, please consider contacting your PSG Senator to support this resolution (contact information available at

Below is the Citizens for Civil Rights press release on the West Lafayette City Council's vote today.

Thank you,
Nicholas Goldsmith
Queer Student Union
Purdue University


PO BOX 2461

West Lafayette, IN 47906

Press Release:  5. October 2010

CONTACT:  Randy Studt, Political Action Chair / 765-532-2006 – cell


 West Lafayette City Council Extends Civil Rights Protections

On Monday, October 4th, the West Lafayette City Council extended nondiscrimination protections based on gender identity, gender expression and veterans' status.  The measure sponsored by Council President Ann Hunt and Mayor John Dennis was approved five to two.

With this addition, West Lafayette joins Bloomington and Indianapolis in rejecting discrimination based on gender identity and expression as well as sexual orientation.  Areas covered by the resolution include housing, employment and public accommodations. The change was proposed by the West Lafayette Human Relations Commission chaired by Charlie Shook.

West Lafayette HRC Chair Charlie Shook pointed out, "This was truly a community-wide effort.  We had very strong support from Councilor Hunt and the Mayor from the beginning. This again affirms that West Lafayette is an inclusive, safe and diverse community. "

Citizens for Civil Rights Political Action Chair Randy Studt stated, "I applaud the city council on taking a firm stand on behalf of nondiscrimination for all. "

In addition to the hard work of the West Lafayette Human Relations Commission, this measure was supported by a coalition of Citizens for Civil Rights, Pride Lafayette, the Greater Lafayette Chapter of PFLAG, ACLU-Indiana Greater Lafayette Chapter and the Purdue Queer Student Union.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gender Identity and Expression

West Lafayette City Council Meeting
MON, OCT 4 6:00 PM
West Lafayette City Hall

Let's fill the hall with supporters!

The West Lafayette City Council will hear a resolution proposed by the WL Human Relations Commission to add gender identity, gender expression and veterans' status to the city's nondiscrimination resolution.  This would add West Lafayette to Bloomington and Indianapolis as the only cities in Indiana to cover these categories against discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations.

Citizens for Civil Rights and LGBT Leaders across the Greater Lafayette area urge you to be present at this meeting to show your support for those councilors who are supporting this measure.  The West Lafayette Human Relations Commission, chaired by Charlie Shook, has worked hard to convince councilors and educate the public on this addition.

CCR and the WLHRC have lined up many supporters to speak in favor of the measure, including local trans activists, religious leaders, students and representatives of Pride Lafayette, PFLAG and Purdue Queer Student Union.

 It is possible that there may be vocal opposition to changing this resolution.   If there is, we remind all of our supporters to remember to be polite, act and dress professionally and show respect, even if there are untruths and slanderous statements made by opposition speakers.   It always benefits our case when we can stand toe to toe with those who would deny rights and protections without becoming disagreeable.

Again, it's key to pack the hall – come out and watch history be made in West Lafayette on Monday night.

Thanks for your support!

Charlie Shook, West Lafayette Human Relations Commission Chair
Randy Studt, Citizens for Civil Rights, Political Action Chair


The Purdue University Student Government is also evaluating a resolution to add Gender Identity and Expression, Genetic Information, and Political Affiliation to our Nondiscrimination Policy. This was passed last year once, but the QSU would encourage everyone to contact their senators showing support for this issue. Contact information for them can be found at

Queer Student Union Weekly Email

QSU: Mondays, 7-8pm, QRC (STEW G20)
NOGLSTP: Thursdays, 5:30pm, ARMS 1103
GRAD: Fridays, 6pm, ARMS 1021

Monday, 7pm, QRC (STEW G20)
This meeting will be Safer Sex Bingo presented by the Student Wellness Office. You don’t want another lecture. Come get free Skittles, condoms, and prizes while learning about safer sex the fun way! Safer Sex Bingo covers common STDs, birth control methods, and healthy relationship concepts in a fun, interactive game. We will also have a condom demonstration activity and a Q&A session where you can ask anything!

Wednesday, October 6, at the Unfinished Block P in Academy Park (North of STEW)
Sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion with support from the LGBTQ Advisory Board. A day full of events starting at 11am, with a keynote speaker Tonya Agnew and her partner Amy Crampton at 12:20pm. The QSU will be present at an information booth during the day.

Following this message will be another message regarding Gender Identity and Expression in West Lafayette and at Purdue.